Just as I was thinking...
Oh geeze, it's getting late, I STILL haven't sat down
to paint today..Blah blah blah..
Getting down on myself
(I slept until 12:00 today cause I have a freaking cold)
And I looked at the clock, once again and what did it say?
2:22, know what that means....
I wanted to know..so..
I got out my handy dandy Angel numbers 101 book by Doreen Virtue..
This is what it said :)
Trust that everything is working out exactly as its supposed to,
With divine blessings for everyone involved.
Let go and have faith.
This past weekend was...
I'll I can say is "HOLY COW"
That is all on that subject, oh wait, except..
On top of that..My grandfather George Bottoms, passed away this weekend as well.
He was a man of many adventures and always did his best.
Gave 100% to everything and helped many.
Love you Grandpa Bodie :)
Focusing on positive light...
Here's a peek of whats going down
in the studio right now
I will finish with some beautiful pictures I took,
last minutes of the sun..
Of Ava and Jordan
my beautiful daughters
and awesome models!
Next week...A demonstration of
Pixy Pocahontis headbands,
through pictures...
Hope to see you here :)