Monday, May 30, 2011

Weekend of Boogies and Bookshelves :)

I have been a busy Bee :)
To bring you all up to date I have been doing the following:
1. Helping a friend do a remodel on her Brand Newly owned Bookstore
It's located in Edwardsville, IL.
I am soooo excited about the grand re-opening that will be held on Wednesday June 1st. and until then I am focusing on service.
I am very happy for Lu Lu and I wish her all the best in the world!!

And most of all I congratulate her for totally following her heart!
I am very grateful to have lend a hand in the decorative painting and creative design realm..AND..Am excited to have a wonderful new place to display my work, especially being the new line of Journals,
bookmarks and notecards that are coming soon!
It's going to be an awesome sight for current customers and all the new ones it will acquire.
2. I have been battling a freaking COLD!!! What the heck..I have not gotten one of these bad boys in a long time. This one especially sucks and the little one caught it too :(
IT just totally creeped up on my over night and hit hard..poop
Cold, it's time for your departure!
3. I don't know how many of you are aware of this because I spaced (cold, bookstore, getting ready for Kelly Rae Blog Sponsorship)
doing a blog entry on this, but...
I had a fund raising drive on Friday where 100% of proceeds from sold jewelry items in my shop were donated to the Red Cross..
At the end 240.00 was raised and I donated it last night and boy did that feel good :)
thank you Everyone!
4. Silly but cute, I had this idea to make a Mommy Daddy Doll for

He has been having a bit of separation anxiety lately and I figured that maybe if he had a doll with a picture of us on it he might

feel a little better.. I also infused it with Lavender..
The image you will see is just my first attempt
(actually Genie and I sewed it)
I plan on making another with a better head and a little thicker body. What do you think of the idea?I think it would be great for

babies who miss their mommies and

daddies too!
Genie brought up that she thought that it would be a great doll for people in the military or parents who leave for business trips days at a time. Your comments are greatly appreciated..
I hope you all have a great day, sniff, hack, sneeze :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Short and Sweet

I am Grateful

and I am Focused.
I am really trying to learn some new things and finish art too so
please excuse my blogging absence.
Peace to you all and..
much love :)
Natalie Kelsey

Friday, May 13, 2011

And They're Off

Good Day all!
Fo all of you lucky winners I wanted to say that

your giftie-poo's are on their way
so be ready to receive the
Because they are jam packed with it :)
I had so much fun packaging up your goodies
and I want you to know that I advise taking you time to open them
because some of the packages have hidden
messages, surprises and etc. in them.

Thank you for playing and I hope you come by again.
TOday I am making some new pendants..
"Just fucking do it"
"Trust the process"
I'm not being biased because I created them,
they really are pretty nifty :)
The last batch I made was my first attempt so I'm growing and getting better at it.
Hopefully I'll have them in the shop soon or have some pictures to share..
I also came up with a new process of making the pendants today..
I am getting ready to try it out so stay tuned..
There might be a instructional posting in the
For now..Have a fantastic weekend!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ok so...I'm allllmoossstt done with this one...
whatcha think?
I am loving it..
I appreciated the comments in my last post, thank you.
Got me to thinking..
so here I am typin'.
One of the comments had to do with honesty.
If I am focusing only on what I want, that is the most honest I can be with myself,
while being a positive influence on others..
I have my ups and downs some I'll share,
some I'll burn up and scatter amongst the Universe with intention of it being turned into love, and me having learned yet another lesson:)
There is enough shit in this world going on elsewhere
I want to change that.
Even if it's in my own little world.
I Like happy, it feels sooo good :)

I won't do this often,

heck this may be the one time,
maybe not :)
While I am in a good
GOOD place now..
I haven't always been.
Some of us didn't learn any better, but in me I always knew there was something more, a more happy cheerful world
to live in.
So I did my best to find it.
I went through obstacles, construction, destruction,
yelling, screaming, fighting, crying
uncomfortable living
learning all the way

Until one day I heard a voice loud and clear.
and I FULLY listened to it.
More than I ever had before.
And it was uncomfortable, but comfortable at the same time.
Because deep down I knew this was it..
this was that world I was looking for and the only way I was gonna get there is if I listened.
And it said....
Follow your heart!
So FUCK!.....

all of you out there bitching and complaining,
like I once was (still can sometimes, giggle)
about how you life isn't how you want it to be,

"What you think you become" Buddha

Get some Q-tips and clean your ears, close your eyes, ask and...

Everything you'll ever need to know resides in your heart, you just have to connect to it, joyfully.

My art is my tool, my heart, my soul.
It helps me focus on what I want, through it I share what I want to focus on, Love, Joy, Peace.
Although I may at times be out there with my creations, it helps me stay grounded in
This is what I want to share with the world.
I want everyone to know that like John Lennon said
"All we need is love"
If my art can be a tool for any of you out there,
to help bring you to connect with your heart and follow it
with FAITH so that you may
Plant your seed, no matter what it may be..

Just Be..
Trusting the process, no matter how painful it might seem to get there,
knowing that Faith is the catalyst of possibilities and they are infinite, but...
Your heart is your compass, and if you follow it
you'll always see, know, feel your path..
What does your heart say?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Deep Breath

It's Monday, Adjustment day.

This day of the week seems to get more difficult for Indie as he grows. As I leave the room to start the day he screams for me...
My heart aches..

I wish I could be Mommy and Artist simultaneously.
Sharing giggles, exploring, creating, doing the business all together.
But here I am walking away up the stairs, feeling sad.
I love the little guy so much and as much as our Nanny is great to Indie, he still wants to be with me, and I with him.
Some days I question...

Should I be doing this artsy business thing?
He grows so fast, am I missing out...
What if he is my last baby and I am just creating it all away while he grows. :( I am grateful for the gentle voice in my heart.

"it's ok you are doing your best"
"You are following your heart, you are meant to spread this love, your art" "And you are meant to be a mom too"

You are doing your best and that is all you can do and you are doing

it beautifully"
But still, my heart aches sometimes, when I hear him screaming on these Mondays. I am grateful I have a nanny so I can be close to him whenever I want, or when he wants me "bad" too :)

Today he napped in my studio in his little bouncy hammock that his Gramma Pat got for him. He Loved it and slept very well..
Even awoke with little coo's instead of a scream.
He was grateful and so was I.
I love you Indie,
I love you kids,
I hope you know that.
I have intermixed a few new items that will be going in the shop this week of the many new things I have to share..I hope you stop by :)
Thank you and have a great day:)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Who's the Big Wiener? oops.. I mean Winner, Silly me :)

Ok so here it is, what you all have been waiting for....
Finally right?
So first I would like to say thank you to all of you
lovelies for stopping by and showing me some love.
:) it means a lot..
I am going to be doing another giveaway next month so please come back..It only gets better from here.
This was my first try.

Thank you Lu Ann for the great references
Thank you MEGAN, aka 1funkywoman
for generously writing up a very kind article about my giveaway..
You're awesome and here's a HUG! win a little somethin' somethin'
just because you're you:)
Now the Other winners are as follows...
The emails have been sent!
Oh and I went a little overboard, geeze,
I couldn't make up my mind AND I had to...
Follow my Heart!
Erin M
Jus and Kat
You are my Winners!
I would love it if you would come back and tell me what you think of your gifts :)
Thank you!!!!