Friday, March 4, 2011

Hello Again

It's Friday again

(Apron by)

Can you believe it?

Although in my mind I know that I have accomplished a lot this week,
My innards still are saying that's all you did?
"that's all???"

Be nice, self,

I am doing my best
What went down in the studio this week?

side track..isn't this the cutest picture of Indie and Daddy:)
Getting ready for a bath and smooshy face from shirt..

In case any of you out there are curious..
drank lots of coffee, lol
paced a lot, giggle

deep thoughts
hammer and a nail'n in the studio,
bought Quicken (holy shit no way),
met with a small business guy to help with my business plan.

Do you know how many times I have started this process and never finished it because I would get so frustrated?

I've got a new attitude on this whole business thing..

Gotta love the business end and love the creative.
I'm trying, my inner child is behaving and learning new skills.
Oh..... the inner child would like to say...

"I am not changing my profession to accountant"

Studio looks great
Pixy Pocahontis, she is blossoming
Speaking of nurturing..Thank you Kathleen for taking such wonderful care of our little guy.. You are greatly appreciated :)

I am nurturing her
dreaming of her spreading love to all in various ways...

Still haven't gotten my car sticker so I can't take that off my list

One project that I will be able to check off the list this week is the Auction Chair for
Signal Hill School.

Almost done.

It's a magical chair.
Fully equipped with a heart compass
and plenty of fro fro.

Genie Rocks on the rocker :)
she's also off her
just kiddin
Did I also mention that this little lady takes
a lot of the pictures here in the studio
oh and a cazillion other things?
she puts up with me,
puts my head back on when it falls off.
Thank you Genie..
You are also Greatly appreciated!!!

Sit in Pixy's love magic
take it all in...

listen to your heart for the chair turns up the volume
rock, feel at peace and know that all you do
is beautiful and that you are loved.
Have a great weekend...

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